

Dette har skjedd på .…

Torsdag 1. juli 2010

  • 16:00 Mad about the boy, .

    Mad about the Boy is a larp (live action roleplaying game) about survivors of a global disaster. An inexplicable disease killed all the men in mere minutes. Now, three years later the surviving women are facing not only the enormous task of rebuilding society, but also the possible extinction of humanity. Our story will be about a group of women who have applied to a Nordic insemination program. As sperm has become a very precious resource, there are only a few women who will be given this …

Mandag 28. juni 2010

  • 16:00 Mad about the boy, .

    Mad about the Boy is a larp (live action roleplaying game) about survivors of a global disaster. An inexplicable disease killed all the men in mere minutes. Now, three years later the surviving women are facing not only the enormous task of rebuilding society, but also the possible extinction of humanity. Our story will be about a group of women who have applied to a Nordic insemination program. As sperm has become a very precious resource, there are only a few women who will be given this …

Fredag 9. april 2010

  • 20:30 Ola Kvernberg Trio i Bø Jazzklubb, .

    Drøyt tre år har gått siden en samlet kritikerstand la seg flate for Ola Kvernberg Trio’s platedebut Night Driver. Ola har siden da medvirket på mer enn 15 plateinnspillinger og turnert med mer enn 30 ulike prosjekt. På trioens nye plate, Folk, bruker musikerne sin musikalske spennvidde til å utfordre sjangergrensene ytterligere og styre musikken i en tydeligere og mer personlig retning. Folk er en dobbelt hyllest – en til sine musikalske røtter og en til sin største inspirasjonskilde; …

Lørdag 27. mars 2010

  • 11:00 RGB NEIGHBORS, .

    RGB Neighbors is a one-day festival of artists film and video, taking place in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, on Saturday 27th. March. The festival focusses on two countries, Norway and Sweden. Curators for the two programmes are Jeremy Welsh (Norway) and Gunnel Pettersson (Sweden). Each country presents a selection of recent artists’ work, plus a special presentation of young artists / students from the two countries. In addition there will be music/video performances featuring collaboration between …

Lørdag 20. mars 2010

Fredag 19. mars 2010