Territorial Agency: The Infrastructural Unconscious

You are invited to attend the first of a programme of events led by freethought, Artistic Directors for Bergen Assembly 2016.

For Bergen Assembly 2016, freethought will focus on their current collective interest: “Infrastructure”, an investigation of how the term can be wrested away from the language of planners and technocrats and put to creative and critical use within the cultural sphere.

Over the next year, freethought will lead a programme of public events in dialogue with one another and with selected guests to introduce this research by using concepts gleaned from the study of management and political economy, urbanism and visual culture, and performance and curating.

This first event invites guests John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog of Territorial Agency. A simple dinner will provided and drinks will be available to buy from the HKS cafe. All welcome.

Territorial Agency: The Infrastructural Unconscious

Divisions in space, divisions in time: a new set of spaces are being transformed, territories reconfigured, power relations reshaped and authorities repositioned, connections severed and reorganised.

As we exit the Holocene and enter the Anthropocene, the new dynamics and scales of the spaces under transformation mark a distinct inversion from the extensions of modern territories: from extension toward intensity, with no possibility of an outside. The architecture of these transformations is marked by a rapid institutionalisation of space, with new borders, new enclosures, new internal connections. The infrastructural procedures that characterise these intensifications are shaped by a transition from a political space to an administrative space.

This lecture will present a variety of visual materials and set out an inquiry into the models to govern, order, affect and structure territorial change by measuring, surveying, quantifying, evaluating, connecting and linking.

About Territorial Agency

John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog established Territorial Agency in 2007, as an independent organisation that combines architecture, analysis, advocacy and action for integrated spatial transformation of contemporary territories.

Territorial Agency innovatively promotes and works for sustainable territorial transformations. Recent projects include the Anthropocene Observatory, in collaboration with Armin Linke and Anselm Franke, at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 2013-14; the Museum of the Infrastructural Unconscious, Taipei Biennial 2012; Unfinishable Markermeer, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2005.

About freethought
Artistic Directors of Bergen Assembly 2016. freethought is a collective of six persons (Stefano Harney, Adrian Heathfield, Massimiliano (Mao) Mollona, Louis Moreno, Irit Rogoff and Nora Sternfeld) and came together in 2011 as a platform for research, pedagogy, and production.

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With thanks to Hordaland Kunstsenter for kindly hosting this first event.

Image: Off the Coast of Nova Scotia: Bathymetric Analysis ©Territorial Agency

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