HRHW Dokumentarfilmfestival: The fear of a real oposition

DEBATT: The fear of a real oposition – Fredom of expresion in Russia and Azerbaijan

Moderator: Erling Borgen (award-winning documentary filmmaker, journalist and author.
With: Zoya Svetova (a human rights campaigner and journalist for The New Times, and editor of the magazine Dosh), Vugar Gojayev (an Azeri human rights activist) and Mitra Nasreen Forouhar (an international human rights lawyer, with a background as a corporate transactional lawyer).

Freedom of expression is essential to a functional democracy, but this basic human right is under pressure globally, both by brutal force and more subtle mechanisms.

For tredje år på rad arrangeres Human Rights Human Wrongs, hvor vi gjennom sterke dokumentarfilmer og viktige debatter tar opp aktuelle menneskerettighets- spørsmål.

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